I was in a car which's brake did not work properly and i barely could slow down driving down the hill
Dreams about cars often symbolize personal control and direction in life. When the brakes of the car in your dream are not working properly, it suggests a lack of control or difficulty in slowing down some aspect of your life.
Driving down a hill can represent a situation that feels like it's gaining momentum or becoming overwhelming, and the inability to slow down may indicate a sense of being out of control or unable to effectively handle the challenges or responsibilities that are coming your way.
This dream may indicate a feeling of being overwhelmed by the pace of your life or certain circumstances that are moving too quickly for you to keep up with. It suggests a need to regain control and find ways to slow down or manage the situations more effectively.
Consider if there are any specific areas of your life where you feel like you are losing control or struggling to keep up. It could be related to work, relationships, or other personal responsibilities. This dream may be a reminder to find ways to regain control over your life, prioritize your goals, and take steps to slow down and manage your responsibilities more effectively.